Checklist to start building a channel for a client?

By Aaron M Spelling

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Q: Has anyone created a project plan checklist that they provide to clients or use in-house to ensure that they have everything they need to start building a channel?

A: You should use the same checklist you are using for yourself while building a channel – and adapt it to the services you offer.

For example :

Do you offer Roku / Amazon Developer account setup? 

if so you need to ask them to provide all the information you need to set up the developer account/accounts.


Do you offer video hosting?

if so you should ask for de video files + all the other data you need to add a video to a channel.


Do you offer Graphic Design?

if so you need direction to create the branding images needed for the channel setup in Roku, or maybe you also create the thumbnail images for the videos – so you need direction about these images too.


So … start with what you use for yourself and add or suppress from that list according to the services you offer and make your onboarding checklist.


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