Channel Settings

By Aaron M Spelling

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Channel settings are a little more in-depth.


When you want to edit an existing channel, you go to the My Channels tab, select the channel you want to edit, then click the little pencil icon, the edit button, and navigate to the settings page.


After the provider name and contact email, the first field you can see is reserved for your affiliate link.


You can promote the TV Boss Fire platform and earn some additional income, which is fantastic, from the traffic you’ll have on your about and watch channel pages. You can request approval by clicking the Get my affiliate URL button. You’ll be redirected to the Jvzoo network, where you can request approval.


After your request has been approved,  copy, and paste it inside the affiliate link field inside your TV Boss Fire settings.


By default, for all the channels built with TV Boss Fire, we’ve enabled the listings of the about and watch channel page, and of course, we’ve also enabled that the channel should be shareable across the internet. If you don’t want to use these settings, you’ll need to un-check them, but why would you

? Free traffic is good.


When you’re about and watch channel pages are enabled, you’ll see that this tab is active. From this tab, we give you the option to embed your about and your watch channel page into any web page or script that supports HTML.


All you need to do is copy the iframe code from here and paste it into the HTML source code of your website.


From the next tab, you can select the design of your website.

We have two designs available, with more to come soon.


That’s all for this page.

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