Adding Content Videos

By Aaron M Spelling

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Estimated reading time: 3 min

Adding Content –  how to add content to your channel.


“My Channels” – Click to edit the channel and navigate to the video section.

To add a new video, we need to click the plus button.


The video has been added, click on it, and you’ll see what you need.

A video id, title, description, and so on.

I’ll start with a video id.

The video id should be a unique number on your channel – like zero one for the first video, zero two for the second video, etc., or any other number you might want to use. It’s essential to be unique for every video inside a channel.


You need a video title that should represent your video and a video description that shouldn’t be longer than 200 characters.


A video thumbnail image must be 800 x 450 pixels in jpeg or png format.


The video title and description are used in the search queries on both platforms, Roku and Amazon.


The next field is the copyright field.

In this field, you should paste a link where Roku or Amazon can find the document attesting that you have the right to use the content; if the content is copyrighted, or part of the content contains copyrighted images, music, footage, or any other copyrighted content, you’re in trouble.

Amazon has a very smart AI that scans all the channels for copyrighted content, and they’ll block the channel or even delete it if you don’t have the right to use the content you have on your channels.


The next tab is the tag section.

Tags are used on both Roku and Amazon to create categories. You need to assign a keyword or a “Tag” to every video you put on the channel. ou

On Roku, you can create the categories inside your channel based on those keywords or tags, and on Amazon Fire, those tags are the categories.


If you intend to publish the channel on Amazon Fire, you may want to use, let’s say, “InternetMarketing” spelled this way because that’s how it will show up on Amazon Fire as a category.

Make sure that you don’t use any special characters, or don’t leave spaces either.


The next field is genre.

The content type, comedy or drama or educational, and so on.


The next field is content.

This is the place where you input your video links and your video data. Should start with the trick play files. If this is the case, copy and paste the link in the field.


The video resource section. This is the place where you copy and paste your video link. As you can see, we automatically add dummy content to give you a better image or understanding of what needs to go where.

So replace that with your link and click on validate.

When you click the validate icon, the TV Boss Fire app will send a signal to your hosting server, asking for your video bitrate and duration.


Depending on your internet connection and hosting server, it can take a couple of seconds or a bit longer.

When you’ve finished, click save, scroll up and fill in the video duration.

Remember the trick play files on Roku are required for every video longer than 15 minutes.


If your video is longer than 15 minutes and your Roku account is approved for monetization, you can add the ad breaks.

These ad breaks tell Roku in our video or program; they can show ads from your ad feed. The format must be as follows: let’s say our video is 30 minutes long, and we want a video ad on minute 20 and a second on 13. Click enter, and you have your first ad break setup.


By default, Roku will show an ad at the beginning of the video.

With this, the video metadata is already set up for you.


If we scroll down,  the following field; is the credits field.

Here you can give credits if you want to or have to. You can credit actors, producers, and so on.


The next field is parental rating.

We do our best to have all sources for rental ratings and all possible ratings in the app,  so if your content needs any parental rating, please select from the list the appropriate option for your content.


The analytics is where you’ll see the analytics about your video, but only after the video has a couple of views.


When all the information is filled in, click save, and your first video is added to the channel.


When you want to add the next video, click the plus sign again, and start the process from the beginning, as many times as you need.


I hope that was easy to understand; see you in the article.

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